Sands continue to shift this month, though some of the volatility appears to be dissipating. Mercury and Mars in retrograde suggest a convoluted path, though positive outcomes are possible if you are willing to renegotiate and work through the unexpected developments that transpire. The most crucial events are likely to occur around the Leo Solar Eclipse on the 11th. Mercury will have moved its way back to the degree of the eclipse in the early days of the month, signaling several key conversations or pieces of information that have a bearing on where this all lands are at play.

This is all more likely to culminate towards the end of the month, when Mercury returns to this degree after resuming direct motion. (On August 29th, at 18’ Leo, to be precise.) Jupiter from Scorpio plays a role in the configuration – making two square aspects, both at the time of the eclipse and again just prior to the return of Mercury to the eclipse degree, indicating a need to dig deeper, emotionally and psychologically, to resolve whatever is at stake here. These are pretty obstinate and temperamental signs, so some matter of ego or power tripping has to get sorted out between them before progress can be made. Mercury turns direct on the 19th, harmonizing to Venus, signaling an amenable agreement or positive news shifts the trajectory forward.

Venus moves from Virgo into Libra on the 6th, offering a diplomatic ambience to underscore all of these developments. Venus is quite far ahead of the Sun at this point and enters retrograde shadow early next month, infusing Autumn with relational reassessments, but more on that later. For now, Venus is happy in the sign in which she governs and makes a productive aspect to Mars in Aquarius, signaling a positive development within an association and enhancing connectedness in both romantic and working partnerships. Testing aspects to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn will challenge these alliances mutually, and relationships have to transform as well as demonstrate they have the ability to serve long range objectives. Those that last through this period are rock solid, Venus retrograde notwithstanding.

Mars retrogrades back into Capricorn on the 12th (through September 10th) adding some gritty resilience to all efforts being made in this period. An unfulfilled prospect ranging back to early May can now come to fruition. Resuming direct motion at the same time Mercury direct conjuncts the Leo eclipse degree (the 26th – 29th are particularly auspicious,) pulls the trigger on everything else that has percolated throughout the Summer months, signaling a substantial shift forward.


Pisces Full

Check out the cool kite feature between Sun – Moon to Saturn + Uranus. Also a very diggable harmonic between Jupiter, Pluto + Neptune. Meanwhile, Venus is square Pluto ☠️

Full Moon in Pisces on the 26th augments all of this as the Sun – Moon polarity taps the trine between Saturn and Uranus which lasts from August 14 – September 14. The final Jupiter – Neptune trine (August 19th) underscores the inspirational themes that are present during the Full Moon and a balance between the rational and innovative is tempered with insight from the spiritual realm. Intuition serves well in this phase and from this place the constructs of a brand new life can begin to be put into place.


ARIES – The Ram

It’s a highly pleasurable month in store, and especially from the 19th, when Mercury resumes direct you may find a love relationship gets back on track. A test on the 9th will prove whether or not this one is built to last. All the knots could take a few weeks to untangle, but an eclipse in the area of true romance on the 11th can get you there much quicker. Swim in your imagination and be inspired on the 19th. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to connect with the deepest reservoirs of your spirituality and innermost wisdom. From mid month, Mars re-enters the zone of public image, reputation, and career. You may reconsider your life direction, or make another go at an opportunity you missed early this year. After the 28th you’ll be ready to give it another shot.

TAURUS – The Bull

An unstable ambience around your living situation can find resolution this month, there is a message for you regarding this during the Leo eclipse on the 11th. When Mercury is direct from the 19th you’ll swiftly see progress where a real estate negotiation may have stalled over the prior month. The 30th is a crucial date, as Mercury reaches the degree of the eclipse and releases a great deal of bottled up energy. Conversation and negotiations reach a fevered pitch. Mars direct in Capricorn on the 28th gives you a bit of the va va voom. Uranus retrograde from the 8th signals a lessening of The Intensity. It’s time to integrate some of the new things you uncovered about yourself over the last three months. Saturn and Uranus combine fruitfully, offering you an opportunity to bring some stability to your new found independence. A romantic getaway on the 19th speaks to your hearts’ deepest desires.

GEMINI – The Twins

While it’s a bummer Mercury and Mars are moving at backwards trajectory, this will still stand out as a really exciting month for your social life and maybe even to see a special romance grow. While it’s not really advisable to start new relationships (Mars retrograde suggests past life connotations,) there could be some nice escalations in an ongoing relationship, though the 9th looks a bit dicey. An eclipse on the 11th can see you moving on a new project, though it could get off to a slow start with Mercury still on backwards trawl for another week still, nice and easy. Spirituality and intuition are highlighted. You find a deep inner reserve of strength. Professional rewards are due, as a Full Moon on the 26th couples with this strength and offers an opportunity to move in a really heart guided and bold new direction. Events on the 19th tell you that you’re heading in the right place.

CANCER – The Crab

A relational matter you’d thought been put to rest crops up again in the latter part of the month. It’s also possible someone you had written off returns to the scene and you might consider another go at it. Super romantic vibes on the 19th could make this reunion an easy sell, but think this one through before you commit. Events on the 26th speak volumes about why or why not this person is just so right/wrong for you. Financials are still in the frame, but Mercury retro through the 19th still muddies the waters here. An Eclipse on the 11th and a conversation or insight on the 8th can yield clues to a resolution, just don’t expect quick results. Look to the 30th for the door to open. Home is where the heart is and you’ll be happiest entertaining and lounging around the house. A redecoration project or fresh coat of paint can work wonders now. Rose and pink colors, applied in moderation, activate positive Feng Shui and break apart stagnant channels of energy for you.

LEO – The Lion

A degree of harmony is restored this month, even Venus and Mars connect briefly, softening some of the rougher energy fields remaining in the aftermath of last month. An eclipse in your sign on the 11th coupled with Mercury direct on the 19th sets you back on course. Insights and conversations on the 8th will reveal a solution, you will be able to put these into motion shortly. Venus in Libra enlivens the social life and your day to day encounters with others. A love connection is super sweet on the 7th, regardless of what have been through, and a single Leo could strike up an interesting love connection in the most casual day to day activities. Mars back in Capricorn on the 14th (for 4 weeks) could indicate having to go back to complete or retool an unfinished work assignment. It’s possible something wasn’t done right the first time and has to be sorted out. By the 28th things resume a slightly less sluggish pace, it will be easier to complete this in the beginning of September.

VIRGO – The Maiden

The theme of endings continues as you make peace with the past and enjoy some quietude, perhaps a retreat. The 8th is ideal for setting up a meditation practice or committing to a course of psychotherapy if you feel you are ready for that. (Everyone and anyone can find benefit!) The 11th also sees a door closing on the past, and you’ll feel the load lighten as you say goodbye to a life you no longer need to live. Venus and Mars team up to make some magic and you can see a nice boost in income or grab an assignment that adds a few bucks to your bank account. Don’t spend it all in one place as a reality check or shortage on the 9th or 26th is likely if you do. Mars reenters Capricorn on the 14th, maybe there is unfinished business with a former love attachment that didn’t get off the ground the first time? The Full Moon on the 26th can bring relational matters to culmination. Commitments made now are built to last and will stand the test of time.

LIBRA – The Scales

Shifts in atmosphere this month make it easier to deal with some of the challenges that may have emerged in late July, as Jupiter and Neptune generate harmonious conditions in your work life and you’ll have opportunities to profit through imaginative and creative projects and assignments at this time. Venus in Libra from the 7th supports this and you’ll likely see an upturn in both your natural artistic affinities and a more pleasurable ambience over all. A meeting with the one you desire, even if brief, on the 7th will work wonders for a relationship that is going through hard times or separation. You’ll also start to find your way with a group project and developments on the 11th and especially after Mercury goes direct on the 19th will get you back on your way. Mars in Capricorn (retrograde) from the 13th signals unfinished residential issues that need to be addressed. It gets easier after the 28th to resolve these matters.

SCORPIO – The Scorpion

You get indications, especially around the 8th and 11th of the direction in which you need to take a professional endeavor. In another weeks time you can put this into motion, there is still a missing piece to this puzzle. Events that occurred in early June play a role and you know you have to deliver on an agreement you made. An electrifying partnership stabilizes a bit this month. It’s been exciting, but you are ready for a little less buzz. It will be nice to get a nights sleep. Romantic feelings become submerged, and you may think about who and what you have experienced this year so far, where you are now. You reach a crossroads on the 26th, time to decide to stay or go. Commitments made now will stand the test of time. You may be surprised what you agree to. A prior agreement could require review from the 14th, though from the 25th – 28th it gets dynamic again. Professionally you begin to regain your momentum.


This is an exciting period for you socially and it’s possible you will be connecting with old friends and colleagues this month. A reunion could produce a new romantic interest around the 8th, as contacts will be very vibrant and exciting. With so much retrograde activity occurring, you will have to wait and see if this connection was built to last. You actually enjoy yourself a lot more if you detach yourself from seeking an outcome. Live in the moment. A financial reality check on the 9th could trigger some anxiety. As Mars reenters Capricorn, you’ll seek out solutions to problems that have been evasive. Mars direct from the 28th will give you the wherewithal to make a necessary change or complete an unfinished job through the first few weeks of September. A Full Moon in Pisces on the 26th points to a substantive change in your living arrangements. You could be making modifications to your home to accommodate a new business enterprise. Alterations that occur at this time will be enduring and have a powerful effect on your earnings.

CAPRICORN – The Seagoat

Uranus retrogrades early in the month, slowing the pace of crossing boundaries towards exciting new frontiers and recently acquired freedom. You have a few months to take it all in and determine where you want to go next. Professionally you could be in the spotlight, as Venus brings style, charm and diplomacy to your public image and reputation. A nice link between Venus and Mars on the 7th could land you a lucrative professional promotion or upgrade. Mars will be back in your sign from the 13th, and you’ll be eager to accomplish a great deal. It gets easier when Mars is direct after the 28th. An inspiration on the 19th could lead to a fun creative project you may work on with a group of friends. Writing, theater or a multi – media project could be very appealing. An eclipse on the 11th, followed by Mercury in direct motion a week later signals the successful conclusion of a negotiation that had likely been drawn out. The 18th is excellent for getting a agreement in writing and finalizing a deal that has been in the works.

AQUARIUS – The Waterbearer

Another eclipse on the 11th can bring sudden surprises in relationships. An event in the life of your partner has a big affect on you, for better or worse. A business partner could spur you to move towards your professional goals. Professional gains and lucrative incentives are possible on the 19th. Inspiration and creativity guide you towards the right objectives. A matter of contention or indecision regarding a partnership could begin to see resolution around the 8th. Romantic energy is strong at this time and reconnecting will bring you very close to someone you care for. Travel is favored, though the second half of the month is preferable, after the 19th Mercury resumes direct motion and there will be fewer delays and entanglements. A spiritual pilgrimage could be a good choice, you awaken to your inner most soul self on the 25th. This rare alignment offers a glimpse into your heart of hearts. You can come into intuitive awareness of a profound spiritual peace. Pressure subsides mid month with Mars leaving your sign for a few weeks.

PISCES – The Fishes

Romance remains sweet for the first week of the month, from the 7th a more financial emphasis comes into play. Your most intimate relationships are highlighted on the 7th, and a love relationship or business deal regarding shared income or an investment is auspiciously indicated. Work, health and productivity are still the main topic, and events during the eclipse on the 11th will bring a new position or project your way. A tuning point on the 8th adds a new dimension to your domestic life, you may be starting a work from home business or moving/renovation plans are starting to come together. After the 19th there is much more clarity when Mercury resumes direct motion. A promotion or assignment finally gets the green light you have been waiting for. Mid month will see Mars retrograde into Capricorn, and this could represent a period (over the next month) of reconnecting with old friends and alliances. There could be some fun surprises, maybe a reunion is in store. Mars direct on the 28th will restore the energy level, and also impacts your income. (Mars rules your money and earnings sector, so the retrograde period has likely put your finances in limbo.) Your personal mojo is strong during the Pisces Full Moon on the 26th, making this a fantastic time to mix and mingle. A commitment you make to your beloved contains enduring overtones that easily last the test of time.